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Why Experienced Travelers Use a Travel Advisor


Why Experienced Travelers Use a Travel Advisor

Carol Wolniakowski

You may be wondering - why use a travel advisor? Aren’t travel agents outdated and unnecessary?  Well, yes, the old version of a travel agent is dying out.  Today’s travel professionals, however, are more consultants than booking agents.  After all, you certainly can just book a trip online yourself.  But if you are looking for expertise, advice and extra perks, a travel advisor can be a huge asset. Savvy travelers of all ages are seeking out experts with specialized knowledge in everything from safaris to wellness retreats to culinary adventures (wine cruise, anyone? :)).  And with cutting edge tools, superior customer service and exclusive vendor relationships, a travel advisor can bring priceless value and peace of mind - not to mention extraordinary memories.  Isn’t your precious time off worth it?


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