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Virtual Wine Tasting

Join Us for an Interactive Wine & Travel Event

Explore the Rhône Valley, France

December 16, 2020
7:00pm Central Time

via private Zoom link

Join Cindy Rynning of Grape Experiences and Carol Wolniakowski of Cuvée Wine Travel in an engaging conversation as we explore the wine, food and culture of the fascinating Rhône Valley wine region in Southern France.

Registration is free. The list of wines to be tasted will be emailed after registration, as well as details on where to purchase the wines.

This tasting will be a fun, interactive event - we hope you will join us!

Cindy Rynning is an award winning wine writer who has her own website, Grape Experiences, and freelances in other digital and print publications. She loves to talk about wine (you may have seen her on Chicago television) and writes wine reviews and articles about wine regions, wine travel, pairing food and wine, and people who make wine come alive! Her site, Grape Experiences is included in Feedspot’s Best 100 Wine Blogs, Websites and Influencers to Follow in 2020 with a consistent #9 ranking and Cindy is ranked as one of the Top 101 Wine Writers of 2020 by Corking Wines.

Cuvée Wine Travel plans custom travel, small group tours and luxury cruises for people who love food and wine.

Travel planning has become overwhelming and time consuming with endless websites, apps and reviews - many of which are outdated, unreliable or - boring.  We believe you deserve to enjoy a unique, relaxing trip that is custom tailored to your preferences - all with fabulous food and wine of course! Our sommelier and luxury travel advisors use our contacts and resources around the world to create authentic, personalized experiences that go beyond the ordinary.